Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hobos on the train tracks

This seems like an appropriate place to begin my ample thoughts and journey down my road to poverty and frustration. I am currently an out of work house mom at a large Southern university. By out of work I mean summer has come and no paychecks until August, however, I have a roof over my head, even if that means break ins through out the community, no police force here that I can see, and no other means of financial contribution.

Back to the hobos. There are currently two living on the train tracks behind my house. Now, we do have the security of a tall chain linked fence complete with warped and worn barbed wire on top that has been breached before by drunk college students trying to prove how their parents failed to raise them correctly. Entry to the pretty, clean, white, WASPy side is easy to obtain if one walks 100 yards to where the fence ends. If one wants to slit my throat or attempt to break into one of the many BMW's or Saab's that are parked in our village during the regular school year no pass is required, no ID, no key, no special permission. Until school starts again in August, the criminals will only have my 2006 Honda Accord to occupy their sinister needs.

Hobos: we have more in common than even I think. What do hobos do? They have no real home, no ties, no way to pay bills on time, they go from place to place searching for something that I doubt they can explain, they sometimes wonder where their next meal will come from, and they no doubt leave a trail of doubt, worry, and ignored tears on their journeys.

I don't feel sorry for hobos but I can see the similarities between us. It's a sad fact to realize that I am not far off from becoming a hobo myself. Thankfully I have two living parents but what about those who do not have a family who cares? People who weren't given a fair chance and beginning? Those with no direction or focus? Actually I have described myself from 15 years ago. A hobo in training I was. I had a family who could afford upper middle class luxuries but I chose to ignore them while they were free. I made my own decisions and I stand by them even though many of the roads I traveled down led to nowhere. . My choices in life got me here but they are not the only thing holding me back. The world is a cold place to maneuver in 2010.

Not complete.....

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